
PhD Position Available
Alpine Ecology
Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
Davos, Switzerland

Application Deadline: Thursday, 31 May 2007

For further information, please contact:
Christian Rixen
E-mail: rixen [at]

The Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) at the
Swiss Federal Research Institute on Forest, Snow and Landscape (WSL) in
Davos, Switzerland is accepting applications for a fully funded,
three-year PhD position in alpine plant ecology and climate change. The
successful candidate will conduct a study focused on climate change
effect on plant growth at treeline. Research will be conducted at Davos
in the Swiss Alps.

The successful candidate will investigate the impacts of warming and
elevated CO2 on plants, nutrient uptake, and carbon cycling.
Measurements include growth and phenology of tree and dwarf shrubs and
analysis of above- and below-ground plant samples for stable isotopes.
Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals.
Development of independent ideas is highly encouraged.

A qualified applicant should possess a graduate degree in natural
sciences, preferably ecology or biology, experience in experimental
fieldwork and statistical analyses, be fluent in English, have
experience in lab work and the ability to move in steep alpine terrain
under sometimes harsh conditions. Applicants should be able to work
independently, have good organization skills, be motivated and take
initiative, and stand out as a good communicator and team player.

To apply, please submit a complete CV (with personal photo) as soon as
possible but no later than Thursday, 31 May 2007, to:
Madeleine Oberhaensli, WSL-SLF
Fluelastrasse 11
CH-7260 Davos Dorf

Please include reference number 477 in all correspondence.