
Open Meeting Announcement
Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC)
Meeting Focus: Human Dimensions Research in the Context of IPY
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Washington, DC

When: 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Arctic Forum 2007
National Association of Home Builders Conference Facility
1201 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

For further information, please contact:
Maribeth Murray
University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: ffmsm [at]

For further information on HARC, please go to:

Within the NSF Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program
(, the aim
of HARC is to better understand the role of humans in the functioning
of, and interactions among, the various physical, biological, and social
components of the arctic system and the significance of changes in the
system for people in the Arctic and across the globe.

The HARC program is well positioned for a strong emphasis on societal
relevance during the International Polar Year (IPY). The HARC Core
Office has scheduled an open meeting at the ARCUS-sponsored Arctic Forum
to seek community input and feedback on planned International Polar Year
(IPY) activities.

In recent years, HARC began to connect with the broader North American
and global human dimensions communities and can, therefore, bring the
results of ARCSS research into the wider international framework of IPY.
The open meeting at Arctic Forum also will include discussion on HARC
Office activities over the past year and will provide information about
the current state of human dimensions research within the ARCSS Program
and in the context of IPY.

Anyone is welcome to participate and all interested parties are
encouraged to join the discussion.

More information about the Arctic Forum is available at:

For further information about the HARC Open Community Meeting, please
Maribeth Murray
University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: ffmsm [at]