
Announcing the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)

The APECS network is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Jenny Baeseman,
APECS Director
Phone: 330-672-2957
E-mail: jbaesema [at]

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is a new
network for early career cryosphere scientists and engineers. APECS aims
to bring together early career scientists from around the world,
including undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and starting
professors, who share an interest in the polar regions and the
cryosphere as a whole. The network's mission is to raise the profile of
polar scientists by providing a continuum of leadership that is both
international and interdisciplinary in focus.

Because of increasing concern about climate and the escalating changes
in polar regions and the cryosphere, it is imperative that young
scientists and engineers develop collaborations with international
counterparts as well as researchers in other disciplines to address
questions facing these regions. APECS is an IPY-endorsed project that
seeks to unite early career researchers to develop collaborations that
will last beyond IPY.

The interactive APECS website serves as the main contact point for APECS
members and provides a forum to share news, connect with other polar
researchers, and find jobs and events that might be of interest.
Membership in APECS is open to all early career scientists interested in
natural and social sciences of polar regions, from undergraduates
through assistant professors or equivalent for non-academic positions.
Participation by engineers and those interested in the cryosphere in
general is also being sought. Senior scientists are encouraged to
register on the APECS website and serve as mentors for the organization
and post job openings and events at their institutions. APECS will be
sponsoring several early career gatherings at events and major research
conferences around the world during IPY.

The APECS network is available at: