
New Exhibition Opening
"The Arctic in Change"
Arctic Centre
University of Lapland
Rovaniemi, Finland

Exhibition Opening: Wednesday, 18 April 2007

For further information about exhibitions at the Arctic Centre, please
go to:

or contact:
Nicolas Gunslay
E-mail: ngunslay [at]

The Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland announces the opening of
"The Arctic in Change," its fully renewed permanent Science Centre
Exhibition, on Wednesday, 18 April 2007, in Arktikum House in Rovaniemi,

"The Arctic in Change" offers visitors a journey through the Arctic
world today. The exhibition promotes the natural beauty and cultural
richness of the Arctic, while informing visitors about the ongoing rapid
social and environmental changes occurring in the region.

Combining multimedia shows, interactive stations, artifacts, and photo
enlargements, the exhibition illustrates ongoing changes in the Arctic
and illuminates the relationship between global and local issues. It is
divided into four main sections, including a basic introduction to the
Arctic, presentations on the survival strategies of humans and nature,
interactive displays of ongoing arctic issues, and ending with questions
about the region's future. Visitors can also experience a "cold room"
and the Northern Lights Theatre. The thematic content is based on the
latest scientific inputs of arctic researchers and the exhibition aims
to positively promote the idea that sustainability is possible through a
common and international effort.

The exhibition opening completes a three-year, two million Euro renewing
project funded by the University of Lapland and European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) through the State Provincial Office of Lapland.
The opening is part of Finland's program for the International Polar
Year 2007-2008.