
Postdoctoral and PhD Research Positions Available
Cold Regions Hydrology
Centre for Hydrology
University of Saskatchewan

Application Deadline: Friday, 20 April 2007

For further information, please go to:

The Centre for Hydrology at University of Saskatchewan is accepting
applications for one postdoctoral fellowship and two PhD student
positions for terms of up to three years to undertake research on snow
hydrology and the hydrology of small lakes.

The research projects are part of both the IP3 Network
( and the International Polar Year and will be
carried out with an experienced team at established research sites in
the Mackenzie Delta region of northwest Canada. Comprehensive data sets
at key sites include more than 15 years of meteorological and stream
flow data, LiDAR-derived DEM and vegetation maps, and NRC research
aircraft flux measurements. Planned projects for the postdoctoral and
PhD student positions include:

  • Arctic Snow Hydrology: Analyze the spatial variability in snow
    accumulation, melt, and runoff and incorporate key processes into
    complex hydrological and land surface models;

  • Arctic Lakes: Investigate the role of lakes on the hydrology of both
    upland and deltaic environments and incorporate key processes into
    complex hydrological and land surface models; and

  • Natural Variability in Complex Northern Systems: Develop methods to
    improve understanding of natural variability in complex hydrologic
    systems, such as the Mackenzie Delta, where the hydrology is affected by
    the interaction of river discharge, river ice, storm surges, sea level,
    natural coastal subsidence, etc.

A PhD with experience in cold regions hydrology is required for the
postdoctoral fellowship, while an MSc with experience in cold regions
hydrology is required for the PhD student positions. Experience in the
atmospheric sciences would be an asset. Field experience in remote
regions, as well as good health and fitness, are preferred for all
positions, as is experience with hydrologic and/or land surface modeling
and Fortran and/or C++.

To apply, please submit an academic CV, sample of published research in
refereed journals (if applicable), list of three referees, and
indication of preference of above research projects to:
E-mail: [at]

or by regular mail to:
Philip Marsh
Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan
117 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5C8

The closing date for applications is Friday, 20 April 2007, and
preference will be given to Canadian citizens and Landed
Immigrants/Permanent Residents.