
Summer Courses in Cryosphere and Quaternary Research
Geology Department
The University Centre in Svalbard

Application Deadline: Sunday, 15 April 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Eva Therese Jenssen, Executive Information Officer
The University Center in Svalbard
E-mail: eva.therese.jenssen [at]

The Geology Department at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
celebrates the International Polar Year (IPY) by offering four summer
courses at the Masters and PhD level in cryosphere and Quaternary
research. Course activities are linked to several IPY projects in
Svalbard and each course offers European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS) credits.

Course descriptions:

Holocene and Recent Climate Changes and the High Arctic Svalbard
Landscape (10 ECTS)
18 June-7 July 2007
The course provides advanced training in studying the effects of
Holocene climate change on landscape evolution and makes use of the
natural laboratory of the Kapp Linne region of western Spitsbergen. The
course has a theoretical component at UNIS with lectures and seminars
and a 2-week field component at Kapp Linne.

Glacial Processes and Landsystems (10 ECTS)
9 July-4 August 2007
The course provides a comprehensive overview of glacial geomorphic
processes, sediments and landforms in arctic and alpine environments, as
well as practical training in modern research methods. Three weeks of
lectures and seminars at UNIS will explore the relationships between
process and form at a range of scales, from individual depositional
events to long-term and large-scale landscape change. The course also
includes a week of fieldwork on modern glacier forelands.

Arctic Terrestrial Quaternary Stratigraphy (10 ECTS)
8-27 August 2007
The course explores the Quaternary terrestrial stratigraphical and
morphological records of western Spitsbergen and aims to give
participants an opportunity to critically review stratigraphies at key
sites on the Svalbard west coast and visit sites with raised beaches
that are important in current ice-sheet reconstructions. The course
features a one-week cruise, which will transport the participants to key
sites, including Billefjorden, Bellsund, Prins Karls Forland, St
Johnsfjorden, Linnedalen Broggerhalvoya, and Kongsfjorden.

The Quaternary Glacial and Climate History of the Arctic (10 ECTS)
3 September-1 October 2007
The course aims to provide students with insight and knowledge on the
climate, glacier, and palaeo-environmental history of the Arctic and
encourages students to develop a critical assessment to literature and
research data. This course is connected to the field-based course Arctic
Terrestrial Quaternary Stratigraphy.

The application deadline for all courses is Sunday, 15 April 2007.

For complete course descriptions and application instructions, please go