
National Science Foundation Solicitation Released
"Antarctic Artists and Writers Program" (NSF 07-550)
Office of Polar Programs

Full Proposal Deadline: Friday, 8 June 2007

The program solicitation is available at:

The Office of Polar Programs, Division of Antarctic Sciences at the
National Science Foundation (NSF) announces the solicitation "Antarctic
Artists and Writers Program" (NSF 07-550).

Program Title:
Antarctic Artists and Writers Program

Synopsis of Program:
The purpose of the Antarctic Artists and Writers Program is to enable
serious writings and works of art that exemplify the Antarctic heritage
of humankind. In particular, the program seeks to increase public
understanding of the Antarctic region, including the continent and the
surrounding oceans, as well as the associated research and education

The Antarctic Artists and Writers Program provides opportunities for
professional artists and writers to travel to Antarctica - at research
stations, field camps, and aboard ships - to make the observations
necessary to complete their proposed projects. While the majority of
award recipients are established artists and writers, the program also
seeks to support early career artists and writers in an effort to
broaden participation.

The National Science Foundation funds and manages the U.S. Antarctic
Program, which is devoted mainly to scientific research and education in
support of the national interest in the Antarctic. The program's
research and support infrastructure enables access to much of the
Antarctic region for selected Antarctic Artists and Writers Program
projects. It does not typically provide direct financial support to
selected applicants.

International Polar Year
A concerted worldwide effort is underway to plan scientific and
educational activities for the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY).
Scheduled to officially begin in March 2007, IPY promises to advance our
understanding of how the Earth's remote polar regions impact global
climate systems, to bring about fundamental advances in many areas of
science, and to fire the enthusiasm of young men and women for future
careers in science and engineering. NSF has placed special emphasis on
IPY in recent proposal solicitations and expects to support a wide array
of IPY projects. This international event represents a significant
opportunity for artists and writers to convey the importance of the
polar regions to the world. The submission of IPY-related Antarctic
Artists and Writers program proposals is strongly encouraged. For more
information on IPY visit:

Cognizant Program Officer:
Kim L. Silverman, Antarctic Artists and Writers Program Director
Phone: 703-292-7530
E-mail: ksilverm [at]