
Student Field Research Opportunity
Juneau Icefield Research Program
1 July-24 August 2007

Application Deadline: Friday, 25 May 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Gary Linder
Phone: 586-822-6330
E-mail: continuumresource [at]

Graduate and undergraduate students and high aptitude high school
seniors are invited to participate in the Juneau Icefield Research
Program, an intensive Earth systems science field program that
emphasizes the inter-relationships of field geology, environmental
geology, alpine geomorphology, ecology, geobotany, geophysics,
glaciology, remote sensing, meteorology, and glacial surveying.

The program is conducted on the Juneau Icefield at numerous research
sites ranging from high alpine woodland to full arctic environments. The
program is held by and in partnership with NASA, the U.S. Army Research
Office, Department of Defense, Academy of Applied Science, Foundation
for Glacier and Environmental Research, Glacial and Arctic Sciences
Institute at University of Idaho, and University of Alaska.

Participating students may earn up to six credits through the University
of Idaho. Full program descriptions and application instructions are
available at:

The deadline for applications is Friday, 25 May 2007, or until all
available spaces have been filled.

In order to supplement the present academic staff, program organizers
are also seeking professors or researchers to participate for at least
three weeks in exchange for full room and board. Inquiries should be
directed to:
Gary Linder
Phone: 586-822-6330
E-mail: continuumresource [at]