
Call for Identification of Candidates
Assistant Director for Geosciences
National Science Foundation

Deadline for Submitting Candidate Recommendations: Saturday, 31 March

The full text of the position announcement, including the Search
Committee Review Criteria, can be viewed at:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is initiating a national search
for an Assistant Director for Geosciences, to be appointed 1 June 2007,
and is seeking assistance in the identification of candidates. Dr.
Margaret Leinen has served in this position since 2000.

The Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) is one of seven NSF directorates.
As outlined in its annually revised long range plans, GEO's goals are
the advancement of fundamental knowledge about the integrated Earth
system, enhancement of the infrastructure for the conduct of geoscience
research, and improvement in the quality of geoscience education and
training. GEO contains divisions for the Atmospheric Sciences, Earth
Sciences, and Ocean Sciences. The Directorate has a staff of
approximately 120 employees and assignees, and it administers a budget
of approximately $702.8 million annually. In addition to supporting
research projects proposed by individual researchers and small groups of
investigators, GEO also provides support for a number of centers. About
33 percent of GEO's budget is used to support multi-user facilities,
including the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the U.S.
academic research fleet, as well as large research facilities. GEO
engages in partnerships with other NSF directorates, other Federal
agencies, and international counterparts in a number of special

The Assistant Director (AD) for Geosciences serves as a key member of
the NSF senior policy and management team. The AD provides leadership
and direction to programs and initiatives within GEO. The AD is
responsible for planning and implementing programs, priorities, and
policy within the framework of statutory authority and National Science
Board authority. The AD must have outstanding leadership abilities, a
deep sense of scholarship, clear vision regarding opportunities and
issues in the geosciences, and a commitment to attaining the goals
through employment of the strategies of the National Science Foundation.

The AD/GEO Screening Committee is seeking assistance in identifying
candidates with outstanding leadership qualifications, a deep sense of
scholarship, a grasp of the issues facing research and education in the
geosciences, and the ability to serve effectively as a key member of the
NSF policy and management team. The committee is especially interested
in identifying women, members of minority groups, and persons with
disabilities for consideration. Recommendations of individuals from any
sector - academe, industry, or government - are welcome. Dr. Jane
Lubchenco, Wayne and Gladys Valley Professor of Marine Biology and
Distinguished Professor of Zoology at Oregon State University, is
serving as head of the AD/GEO Screening Committee. Employment may be on
a temporary or permanent basis in the Federal Service or by temporary
assignment under provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act.

Please send recommendations, including any available supporting
information, to the AD/GEO Screening Committee at:
geosrch [at], or via regular mail to:
National Science Foundation
Office of the Director, Suite 1205
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

The AD/GEO Screening Committee requests that recommendations be
submitted by Saturday, 31 March 2007.