
Summer Field Seminars Announcement
Denali National Park
Murie Science and Learning Center
National Park Service

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Jessica Brillhart, Program Coordinator
Murie Science and Learning Center
E-mail: Jessica-Brillhart [at]

The Murie Science and Learning Center, in cooperation with the National
Park Service, announces summer field seminars designed to immerse
participants in different aspects of Denali National Park and Preserve
in Alaska.

Most courses are taught by experts in each subject area and are three
days in length. Field seminars are open to all participants, while
teacher trainings are designed specifically for teachers. Professional
development credit is available for all courses through the University
of Alaska Anchorage.

Summer 2007 field seminars include:
- Bears of Denali;
- Dall Sheep and their Predators;
- High Country Wildflowers: A Closer Look;
- Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants;
- Denali Field Journaling;
- Ecology of Birds;
- The Science of Fly-Fishing;
- Denali's Large Mammals;
- Geology of Denali;
- Denali Fault and Nenana Canyon: A Geology Exploration; and
- Family Field Seminars.

Teacher trainings include:
- The World of Wolves;
- Denali Dinosaurs;
- Using iMovie to Capture Interest in Science; and
- Science Writing in the Heart of Denali.

Most courses are based out of the Murie Science and Learning Center
Field Camp, located 30 miles inside Denali National Park along the
Teklanika River. From this location participants set out daily to
explore Denali's diverse environments. The Field Camp includes rustic
tent cabins and a common dining tent. All meals, accommodations,
transportation, and instruction are included in the course fee, which
averages around $320 per course.

For further information, including schedule and full course
descriptions, and to register, please go to:

or contact:
Murie Science and Learning Center
Phone: 907-683-1269 or 1-888-688-1269 (toll free in U.S.)