
Complete Set of the Journal "ARCTIC" Available Online

The complete set of back issues is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Karen McCullough
Editor, ARCTIC
E-mail: kmccullo [at]

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces all back issues
of the journal "ARCTIC," from Volume 1, Number 1 published in 1948 to
Volume 57, Number 1 published in 2004, have been digitized and are now
available online.

The archive includes more than 2,400 articles, notes, commentaries,
expedition reports, news items, and obituaries. Current issues are made
available three years after publication.

A substantial portion of the funding for this project was provided by
AINA member Joan S. Tait.

The complete set of back issues of "ARCTIC" is available at: