
Extended Call For Papers
IPY GeoNorth 2007 - First International Circumpolar Conference on
Geospatial Sciences and Applications
20-24 August 2007
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 9 March 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Florin Savopol
E-mail: ipygeonorth2007 [at]

Abstracts for IPY GeoNorth 2007 - First International Circumpolar
Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications are being accepted
until Friday, 9 March 2007. The conference will be held on 20-24 August
2007, in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Main themes of the conference include:
- Development of arctic geospatial infrastructures for northern regions;
- Earth observation data and applications for northern regions;
- Geospatial information in support of geosciences, environmental
studies, and cultural heritage of the North;
- Mapping and monitoring changes of northern environments and
- Communication of spatial information and geo-visualization;
- Spatial decision support systems;
- Interoperability and standards of geospatial data;
- Geospatial knowledge infrastructure for the North, traditional
knowledge and practices, training and capacity building on geospatial
information and technologies, technology transfer, and e-learning/remote
- Geospatial data and tools for land management and property rights;
- Horizontal and vertical reference systems;
- Positioning and navigation;
- Emergency response, and search and rescue; and
- Data access and dissemination.

Abstracts of 350-400 words should be submitted by Friday, 9 March 2007,
at the conference website:

Inquiries on the scientific and technical program should be directed to:
Costas Armenakis, Natural Resources Canada
E-mail: armenaki [at]

For further information about IPY GeoNorth 2007, please contact:
Florin Savopol
E-mail: ipygeonorth2007 [at]