
New Website Available - Remote Power Systems for Polar Environments

The website is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Roy Stehle
E-mail: info [at], a new website developed by VECO Polar Resources for the
National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs, is a forum where
the polar community can establish a foundation of knowledge, share
experiences, and stay current on technological developments in power
systems and deployment options.

Designing power systems that will function well in remote polar
environments under hostile weather conditions can be a complicated task.
Engineers often use creative approaches to fulfill requirements.
Learning from the successes and research of others can help avoid
problems with inadequate or faulty systems that may result in data loss
or personal safety issues. offers descriptive write-ups and white papers, including
an "examples" section describing successfully deployed systems, "links"
to facilitate information searches, and an "events" page with
announcements of upcoming conferences, symposia, and other meetings. A
dynamic "Wiki" section allows contributors to share their deployment
experiences, alert others of new technology, and have questions answered
by peers and outside experts.

Contributions to the website are solicited and welcomed.

The website is available at: