
Postdoctoral Position Announcements
Stockholm University Climate Research Program

Application Deadline: Saturday, 10 March 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Patrick Crill
E-mail: patrick.crill [at]

The Stockholm University Climate Research program (SUCLIM) announces the
following postdoctoral positions:

Atmospheric Circulation Modeling (reference number 618-0197-07) and
Paleoclimatology (reference number 618-0198-07):
The two postdoctoral positions, one in atmospheric circulation modeling
and another in paleoclimatology, are part of a project concerning stable
oxygen isotope variations and tree-ring records in Scandinavia and their
relations to atmospheric circulation patterns during the Holocene. The
project aims to increase understanding of climate variability through
integrating proxy data analysis and global climate modeling. The
successful candidates for these two-year positions will cooperate
closely and organize workshops. Preferred start date is 1 May 2007.

Modeling of the Arctic Atmosphere Boundary Layer and Exchange Processes
at the Surface (reference number SU 618-0336-07):
Department of Meteorology
The successful candidate will work on a project that aims to improve the
understanding of the role of the atmospheric planetary boundary layer
coupled to the land surface scheme in the Arctic. The work involves
process-, regional- and global climate models. The two-year position is
based at the Department of Meteorology and work will be done in
collaboration with the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary
Geology. Applicants should have a PhD in meteorology or atmospheric
science. Experience in climate modeling and an insight in the arctic
environment are considered beneficial. Preferred start date is 1 May
2007. For further information about this position, please contact
Gunilla Svensson at: gunilla [at], or Peter Kuhry at:
peter.kuhry [at]

Full descriptions of all three postdoctoral positions are available on
the SUCLIM website at:

Applications must be submitted by Saturday, 10 March 2007, to:
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm

SUCLIM is a 10-year research and environment-building program, which
brings together climate research expertise from four university
departments. SUCLIM is building a strong and coherent research
environment focusing on five cross-disciplinary core themes: climate
variability, atmospheric and ocean circulation, boundary conditions for
circulation system modeling, biogeochemical cycles, and small-scale
processes with large-scale impacts. The cross-disciplinary research
program fully integrates process- and paleo-research with numerical