
Call for Entries
2007 Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge

Entry Submission Deadline: Thursday, 31 May 2007

For further information, please go to:

Entries are now being accepted for the 2007 Science and Engineering
Visualization Challenge, an annual competition featuring photographs,
illustrations, graphics, and other images that demonstrate the power of
visual communication to explain, explore, and extend our knowledge of
the world around us. In an increasingly graphics-oriented culture, these
images provide for the general public an immediate and influential
connection to science. The challenge is sponsored by the National
Science Foundation and the journal Science.

Awards are expected to be made in the following categories:
illustration, photography, informational graphics, interactive media,
and non-interactive media. Entries must be received by Thursday, 31 May
2007. Winning entries will be published in a special section of an issue
of the journal Science (with one winning entry featured on the cover),
on Science Online, and on the NSF website.

For further information, including instructions for submitting entries,
please go to: