
IPY Postdoctoral Fellowships Available
Environment and Natural Resources Institute
University of Alaska Anchorage

Application Deadline: Monday, 26 February 2007

For further information about the Environment and Natural Resources
Institute, please go to:

or contact:
Jeff Welker
E-mail: afjmw1 [at]

The following two postdoctoral fellowships are available on
International Polar Year 2007-2008 projects led by the Environment and
Natural Resources Institute at University of Alaska Anchorage:

Soil Ecology, Soil Biogeochemistry
The incumbent will conduct and supervise experimental work elucidating
the consequences of deeper snow, shrub increases, and effects on
soil-plant dynamics. The fellow will join a team that has conduced
long-term experiments at Toolik Lake, Alaska since 1994 as part of ITEX
(International Tundra Experiment) and has established a new set of
experimental snow depth treatments that will be used in this research. A
significant portion of the research focus will be on winter ecology. A
PhD or previous postdoctoral research experience in soil ecology, soil
microbiology, soil biogeochemistry, or a closely related field, with a
background in tundra ecosystem studies is desired.

Physiological Plant Ecology
The incumbent will conduct and supervise experimental work elucidating
the consequences of deeper snow, shrub increases, and warmer summer
temperature effects on leaf-level gas exchange, ecosystem carbon
cycling, community composition, plant growth, and plant-soil water
relations. The position involves field studies at Toolik Lake, Alaska
and in northwest Greenland. The fellow will join a team that has
conducted long-term experiments at Toolik Lake since 1994 as part of
ITEX and in northwest Greenland since 2002. A significant portion of the
research focus will be on winter ecology. A PhD or previous postdoctoral
research experience in physiological plant ecology, plant physiology,
plant community ecology, or plant mineral nutrition, with a background
in tundra ecosystem studies is desired.

The successful applicants for both positions will be expected to assist
in supervising graduate and undergraduate students and to assist the
project PIs with project management. The salary for both positions is
between $3,500-$3,700 USD per month plus full benefits depending on

To apply for either position, please submit a letter of interest
highlighting applicable research experience, curriculum vitae, and the
names of three references to Jeff Welker at: afjmw1 [at]

The complete job vacancy announcement and application instructions are
available at:

Applications are due by Monday, 26 February 2007. The position is
available beginning 1 April, 2007.