
Lectureship Position Announcements
Stockholm University Climate Research Program

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 28 February 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Patrick Crill
E-mail: patrick.crill [at]

The Stockholm University Climate Research program (SUCLIM) announces the
following three lectureship positions:

Senior Lecturer in Biogeochemical Modelling
Department of Geology and Geochemistry
The field of study includes biogeochemical modelling for scale
transformation of local soil-water-vegetation processes to climate
system effects on regional-global scale. The position focuses on the
development and application of climate-relevant biogeochemical modelling
on different time scales. During the initial five years, the position
will involve at least 80 percent research. The position involves
teaching, including supervision, and some administration tasks.

Senior Lecturer in Climate Modelling
Department of Meteorology
The position involves the development and application of general
atmosphere-ocean circulation models. During the initial five years the
position will involve at least 80 percent research. The position
involves teaching, including supervision, and some administration tasks.

Senior Lecturer in Ice Sheet Modelling
Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology
The position is focused on the development and application of ice sheet
models that include dynamic ice shelves. During the initial five years
the position will involve at least 80 percent research. The position
involves teaching, including supervision, and some administration tasks.

Full position descriptions of all three lectureships are available on
the SUCLIM website at:

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 28 February 2007, to:
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm

SUCLIM is a 10-year research and environment-building program, which
brings together climate research expertise from four university
departments. SUCLIM is building a strong and coherent research
environment focusing on five cross-disciplinary core themes: climate
variability, atmospheric and ocean circulation, boundary conditions for
circulation system modeling, biogeochemical cycles, and small-scale
processes with large-scale impacts. The cross-disciplinary research
program fully integrates process- and paleo-research with numerical

For further information, please contact:
Patrick Crill
E-mail: patrick.crill [at]