
Call for Contributions
Arctic Science Summit Week 2007
14-20 March 2007
Dartmouth College
Hanover, New Hampshire

Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 28 February 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Anne Udry
Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College
E-mail: Anne.E.Udry [at]

Contributions are invited for the following sessions at Arctic Science
Summit Week (ASSW) being held on 14-20 March 2007, at Dartmouth College,
Hanover, New Hampshire:

Polar Science Session
Posters presenting results of original research will be accepted on
topics and themes relevant to ASSW. These posters will be displayed in
common areas adjacent to the meeting rooms.

Technology for Innovative Observations
Our ability to observe the polar environment has changed dramatically in
recent years. This symposium will include oral and poster presentations
describing enabling technologies for polar science across a broad
spectrum of applications. Presentations should address innovations in
techniques and technologies that go beyond off-the-shelf

Early Career Polar Researchers
The Early Career symposium features oral and poster presentations from
researchers who have received a graduate degree within the last five
years. Presentations may address any area of polar research.

Those interested in presenting should submit a title, author list, short
abstract of not more than 100 words, and name of the appropriate session
by Wednesday, 28 February 2007, on the "Contact Us" section of the ASSW
2007 website at:

Presenters are also requested to register on the website, where early
registration is available until Wednesday, 14 February 2007.

The purpose of ASSW is to provide opportunities for international
coordination, collaboration, and cooperation in all areas of arctic
science. The conference is an inaugural event for U.S. participation in
the International Polar Year. ASSW 2007 is hosted by the Institute of
Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College and the U.S. Cold Regions Research
and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), and is sponsored by the
International Arctic Sciences Committee, Arctic Ocean Sciences Board,
European Polar Board, Pacific Arctic Group, and Forum of Arctic Research

For further information, to submit an abstract, and to register for the
conference, please go to: