
PhD Position Available
Arctic Terrestrial Invertebrate Ecology
Department of Biology
University Centre in Svalbard
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 28 February 2007

For further information about University Centre in Svalbard, please go to:

or contact:
Steve Coulson
E-mail: Steve.Coulson [at]

The Department of Biology at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
invites applications for a PhD position in terrestrial ecology on a
project concerning overwintering and dispersal of high Arctic
terrestrial invertebrates.

The project involves examination of overwintering strategies and
survival with a concentration on the effects of basal ice formation and
freeze-thaw cycles on the invertebrate fauna of a high Arctic region,
and examination of the dispersal of invertebrate fauna, both locally and
regionally. Both aspects of the project involve fundamental issues in
ecology and have taken on greater importance during a period of rapid
climate change. The project consists of field sampling, laboratory
studies, and work in UNIS climate rooms simulating winter conditions.

Applicants for the four-year position should have experience conducting
field work in demanding conditions, ability to work independently, some
knowledge of invertebrate taxonomy, and a desire to live and work in the
Arctic. Some experience with laboratory work and maintenance of
invertebrate cultures is desirable. The position is based in
Longyearbyen and includes some teaching responsibilities for courses in
arctic biology.

To apply, send three copies each of CV and academic transcripts by
Wednesday, 28 February 2007, to: post [at], or via regular mail to:
The University Centre in Svalbard
P.O. Box 156
N-9171 Longyearbyen

For further information, please contact:
Steve Coulson
E-mail: Steve.Coulson [at]