
Call for Papers
Session A06: Polar Clouds and Aerosols: Properties, Processes, and
Climatic Significance
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society, Canadian
Geophysical Union, and American Meteorological Society
28 May-1 June 2007
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 15 February 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Matthew Shupe
University of Colorado and National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory
E-mail: matthew.shupe [at]

Papers are now being accepted for the following session at the joint
meeting of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society,
Canadian Geophysical Union, and American Meteorological Society
(CMOS-CGU-AMS) being held on 28 May-1 June 2007, in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada:

Session A06: Polar Clouds and Aerosols: Properties, processes, and
climatic significance

Session description:
Due to cold and dry conditions in polar regions, clouds and aerosols
have a heightened radiative impact at these high latitudes. Various
cloud and aerosol properties influence the formation, persistence, and
balance of cloud phases and thereby play a significant role in
precipitation processes and efficiency. In addition, atmospheric
hydrometeors and particles participate in important arctic feedback
processes. Despite the clear roles that clouds and aerosols play in
polar radiation and hydrology, many of their climatically important
processes are not well understood. Moreover, the spatial and temporal
variability inherent in these atmospheric constituents may play a key
role in larger scale polar climate variability. This session welcomes
contributions that will further our knowledge on polar clouds, aerosols,
and/or their interactions. Specific topics may include, but are not
limited to, cloud microstructures, aerosol composition, indirect
effects, cloud formation and maintenance, and the climatic significance
of these constituents.

Session conveners:
Matthew Shupe, University of Colorado and National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory
Von Walden, University of Idaho

Abstracts must be submitted by Thursday, 15 February 2007, at the
CMOS-CGU-AMS website, which is available at: