
Announcing the ARCUS 19th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum 2007
Embassy of Sweden and National Association of Home Builders Conference
23-25 May 2007
Washington, DC

You are invited to participate in the ARCUS 19th Annual Meeting and
Arctic Forum 2007 in Washington, DC on 23-25 May 2007, jointly hosted by
ARCUS and the Embassy of Sweden.

The focus of the Arctic Forum this year is: "Water in the Arctic:
International Collaborations and Understanding Environmental Change."

The Arctic Forum is timed to coincide with a special program at the
Embassy of Sweden on "Water and Environment," which offers reflections
on global, national, regional and local perspectives regarding water.
Forum sessions will include a diverse and international range of
perspectives on the state of knowledge of the hydrological cycle in the
circumpolar Arctic, gaps in our knowledge, and research and policy
opportunities and priorities. The Arctic Forum sessions will highlight
international collaborations for the International Polar Year and

Presentations and discussions will focus on questions such as:
- What are the changes being witnessed in the water cycle and how
will these changes impact the physical, biological and social
environments of the Arctic?
- How does the science of water and the arctic environment relate to
public policy, and how can information be translated to decision makers?
- How can we forge international collaborations during IPY and beyond
to address these exciting scientific challenges and opportunities?

The Forum will be co-chaired by Larry Hinzman, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, and Gunhild Rosqvist, Stockholm University.

In addition to highlighting current research and policy issues relevant
to the Arctic through the Arctic Forum, the ARCUS Annual Meeting serves
to gather together members of the arctic research community, key agency
personnel and policy makers, as well as ARCUS member institution
representatives, board members, and staff.

The agenda, online registration, poster abstract submission, hotel, and
other venue information will be available soon at:

For further information about the Arctic Forum, please contact ARCUS at:
E-mail: info [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600