
Graduate Student Position Available
Biological Oceanography
Department of Biology and School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada

For further information, please contact:
Diana E. Varela
E-mail: dvarela [at]

A graduate student position is available at the University of Victoria
to work on ecological physiology of arctic and sub-arctic phytoplankton.
Candidates will have the option of working on a variety of projects
related to primary productivity and nutrient physiology of marine
phytoplankton in field and laboratory settings. Research may require
participation in cruises to the Gulf of Alaska and/or the Canadian
Arctic. The student will work under the supervision of Diana E. Varela
in the Department of Biology and the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences.

To apply, submit a CV indicating previous research experience,
unofficial copies of university transcripts (undergraduate and graduate
as appropriate), and a brief statement of scientific interests to Diana
E. Varela at: dvarela [at]

Applications should be submitted by Thursday, 15 February 2007, and
preference will be given to candidates with excellent academic standing
who are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree.

For further information on the Department of Biology at University of
Victoria, please go to:

For further information on the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at
University of Victoria, please go to: