
Second Announcement
Apply for Participation
Arctic System Synthesis Workshop:
New Perspectives through Data Discovery and Modeling
Dates: 2-4 April 2007 (Monday - Wednesday)
Location: Seattle, Washington

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 7 February 2007

For further information and to submit an application, please go to:

or contact the ARCSS Science Management Office at ARCUS:
Laurie Hueffer
E-mail: laurie [at]

The National Science Foundation's Arctic System Science Program (ARCSS)
has become a major focal point for synthesis studies of the Arctic. This
requires that the Program actively engage the community in developing
improved data and modeling approaches to advance system-level,
interdisciplinary understanding of the state of the Arctic and the
changes occurring in this system.

The "Arctic System Synthesis: New Perspectives through Data Discovery
and Modeling" workshop, to be held 2-4 April 2007 in Seattle,
Washington, will bring together approximately 40-50 representatives of
the data provider and data user communities to identify innovative
approaches for uniting data management and assimilation, recent
developments in technology, and modeling activities that will advance
synthesis studies of the arctic system and broadly disseminate knowledge
of the Arctic. Perspectives from the public outreach and policy
communities will be an integral part of the workshop discussions.

Invitees have been selected to ensure broad community participation
across disciplines and expertise. A limited number of additional
participants are solicited from the broader community through a
self-nomination process. To ensure a still broader set of perspectives,
updates will be provided to, and feedback solicited from, the community
prior to the workshop (including a public eTown Meeting tentatively
scheduled for Wednesday, 28 March 2007) as well as during each day of
the meeting through online tools.

Self-nominations for participation are now being solicited from the
broader community through an online application process. The online
application form includes questions focused on the applicant's
experience, perspective, and potential contributions to the workshop,
and also requires submission of a paper/poster abstract.

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Applicants will be notified of selection decisions by Thursday, 1 March

For further information and to submit an application, please go to: