
Postdoctoral Research Position Available
Effects of Extreme Winter Warming on Arctic Ecosystems
University of Sheffield, UK

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 6 February 2007

For further information, please contact:
Gareth Phoenix
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield
E-mail: g.phoenix [at]

The University of Sheffield is seeking a postdoctoral research associate
on a project investigating the impacts of extreme winter warming events
on arctic ecosystems.

The project uses a recently developed experimental system to simulate
sudden warming and snow melt events in the field. Research will focus on
determining plant responses, such as plant damage and impacts on plant
productivity and biodiversity, and impacts on biogeochemical cycling,
including soil nutrient cycling, decomposition, and leaching. Funded by
the Leverhulme Trust, the three-year project is led by Gareth Phoenix of
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield and Terry Callaghan
of Abisko Scientific Research Station in Sweden.

Applicants should ideally have a background in plant
ecology/ecophysiology with an interest in arctic ecology and climate
change. Applicants with a background in nutrient and/or carbon cycling
are also encouraged to apply. The position will begin on Thursday, 1
March 2007, or shortly thereafter, and last for one year with a possible
extension for up to two additional years.

Full application information is available by searching for job reference
number PR2709 at:

For further information, please contact:
Gareth Phoenix
Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield
E-mail: g.phoenix [at]