
Call for Expressions of Interest
Life in Extreme Aquatic Environments
British Ecological Society 2007 Annual Meeting
10-12 September 2007
University of Glasgow

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Elanor Bell
Scottish Association for Marine Science
E-mail: elanor.bell [at]

Expressions of interest are invited for Life in Extreme Aquatic
Environments, a special session at the British Ecological Society 2007
Annual Meeting being held on 10-12 September 2007, at the University of
Glasgow, UK.

Session description:
Organisms that survive and often thrive in extreme aquatic environments
may hold the key(s) to understanding life on early Earth, and elsewhere,
and the evolution of biogeochemical pathways. This session will explore
the distribution, behavior, physiology, and diversity of organisms that
live under extreme aquatic environmental conditions, both freshwater and
marine. This includes the polar regions, saline and acidic lakes,
sea-ice and cryoconites, deep ocean environments, hydrothermal vents,
hot springs, and cold seeps. The session also focuses on food web
modeling and mechanistics, and astrobiology.

Keynote speakers:
John Priscu, University of Montana, U.S.
Johanna Laybourn-Parry, Keele University, UK

Expressions of interest are invited to assist session organizers plan
for the conference and prepare a forthcoming call for abstracts.
Expressions should be directed to:
Elanor Bell
Scottish Association for Marine Science
E-mail: elanor.bell [at]