
Workshop Announcement and Call for Papers
37th Annual Arctic Workshop
2-5 May 2007
Skaftafell National Park, Iceland

Abstract Submission Deadline: Saturday, 31 March 2007

For further information, please go to:

The 37th Annual Arctic Workshop will be held 2-5 May 2007, in Skaftafell
National Park, Iceland. Sponsored by the Institute of Earth Sciences at
University of Iceland, the workshop includes oral and poster
presentations and field excursions to the surrounding environment.

Themes for workshop sessions include Holocene climate evolution around
the North Atlantic Arctic, climate and environmental change during the
past 2,000 years, abrupt climate change, synchronizing marine and
terrestrial records in the Arctic, changing glaciers, periglacial
processes, arctic hydrology, and ecosystem response to changing

Skaftafell National Park offers access to large outlet glaciers from
Vatnajokull, the largest of Iceland's ice caps, as well as moraine
complexes, large sandurs, and a range of primary volcanic phenomena.
Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a series
of four-hour field excursions to review the region's glaciology, glacial
geology, ecology, and fluvial hydrology. The excursions provide
opportunities for graduate students, young researchers, and senior
scientists to interact in an informal setting and develop collaborative
research relationships with Icelandic and international counterparts.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations may be three pages in length
with up to four figures and should be submitted before Saturday, 31
March 2007 at the workshop website:

With support from the National Science Foundation, workshop organizers
are able to provide some travel, housing, and registration funding for
students at North American universities and early career researchers at
U.S. institutions. Funding may be available for early career researchers
from Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. Requests for funding
assistance should be sent to Wendy Roth, University of Colorado at
Boulder (freeman [at]

For further information, to register for workshop, and to submit an
abstract, please go to: