
Funding Opportunity Available
Alaska Sea Grant

Preliminary Proposal Deadline: Friday, 26 January 2006

For more information, please go to:

Alaska Sea Grant, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
program, sponsors applied social, economic, engineering, and biological
research and is soliciting preliminary research proposals for 2008-2010.
Creative and rigorously conceived research proposals are invited that
will help the people of Alaska better understand, conserve, and wisely
use the state's marine, estuarine, and coastal watershed resources.

Further information is available at:

At this URL, you will find downloadable versions of the 2004-2010 Alaska
Sea Grant strategic plan, instructions for preparing the preliminary
proposal, the proposal review schedule, and electronic versions of
required forms.

Additional information regarding the submittal process can be obtained
by contacting Michele Frandsen (907-474-7088, frandsen [at]