
Call for Applications from Educators
Global Change in the Arctic Course Development
University of the Arctic

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 17 January 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Kirsi Latola
University of Oulu, Finland
E-mail: kirsi.latola [at]

The University of the Arctic (UArctic), a cooperative network of
universities, colleges, and other organizations committed to higher
education and research in the North, is seeking applicants to create
curricula for online courses under its Global Change in the Arctic
Thematic Network. The goal of this Thematic Network is to strengthen the
delivery of higher education in all areas related to global change in
the Arctic, including physical processes such as environmental change,
impacts, adaptation to change, and cultural consequences.

In a May 2006 workshop held in Rovaniemi, Finland, UArctic educators
identified gaps in current global change education opportunities and
accordingly developed outlines for six new online courses:
- Adaptation to Global Change in the Arctic;
- Arctic Economies and Livelihoods in a Changing World;
- Foundations of Human Rights and Global Environment Change;
- Global Change Technology, Methodology, and Analysis;
- Health, Security and Well-being in the North; and
- Institutional Dimensions of Global Change.

UArctic invites applications from educators to create curricula for the
online courses. Successful applicants will work in teams on course
design, creation, and method of online delivery, and will receive
compensation for all completed work. UArctic will host workshops in
March-April 2007 for all team participants, and courses should be ready
for pilot delivery by fall 2008.

Applicants should submit the following to Kirsi Latola
(kirsi.latola [at] no later than Wednesday, 17 January 2007:
- a CV that includes relevant publications, names of referees, and
contact information; and
- a one-page letter of introduction that includes teaching experience,
particularly with online courses, and a list of Global Change in the
Arctic courses the applicant is interested in developing with ideas for
online delivery.

Successful applicants will be notified by the steering committee of the
Global Change in the Arctic Thematic Network in February 2007.

For further information, please go to: