
Call For Letters of Intent
IPY Logistics Platforms in Greenland
Danish Polar Center

Letter Submission Deadline: Monday, 8 January 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Morten Rasch, Head of Logistics
Danish Polar Center
E-mail: mr [at]

The Danish Polar Center (DPC) is planning to establish logistics
platforms at different sites in Greenland during IPY and is calling for
letters of intent from scientists and research groups in deciding the
specific locations for the platforms. DPC is a knowledge, service, and
facilitation center for researchers, public agencies, and institutions
who are engaged in polar research and arctic conditions.

DPC will decide on locations of the logistics platforms based on the
needs of the scientific community, the numbers of scientists who can be
supported at each platform, and the potential savings realized by
coordinated use of the platforms. Only scientific projects will be
considered in the decision-making process.

Individual scientists and research groups interested in utilizing the
DPC logistics platforms during IPY are requested to submit a letter of
intent that includes:
- a one-page description of the research project including status of
- CV for the principal investigator and names and institutions of all
other project participants;
- the area/region in Greenland in which the research project is planned
and estimated project dates;
- logistical needs of the project such as helicopter, airplane,
provisions, field equipment, and other support; and
- if known, a description of other projects that will be working in the
same region and which might also benefit from the same logistics

Letters of intent should be submitted no later than Monday, 8 January
2007, via e-mail (mr [at] or regular mail to:
Danish Polar Center
Strandgade 102
DK-1401 Copenhagen

DPC will announce its decisions regarding location of the logistics
platforms and approved projects no later than Friday, 2 February 2007,
on its website ( Additional requests for use of the
platforms, including commercial and tourist expeditions, will be
accepted after that date.

For further information, please contact:
Morten Rasch, Head of Logistics
Danish Polar Center
E-mail: mr [at]