
Workshop Announcement
Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
Alaska Marine Science Symposium
Sunday, 21 January 2007
Anchorage, Alaska

Registration Deadline: Friday, 12 January 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Carl Schoch, North Pacific Research Board
E-mail: cschoch [at]

A workshop on the Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
(GOA IERP) is being held at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium on
Sunday, 21 January 2007, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel in
Anchorage, Alaska. The goal of the GOA IERP is to gain a comprehensive
understanding of an integrated ecosystem to help state and federal
fishery managers better forecast and respond to changing environmental

Sponsored by the North Pacific Research Board, the workshop is being
convened to:
- provide an overview of the GOA IERP Implementation Plan;
- initiate focused, multidisciplinary collaborations among individuals,
institutions, and agencies addressing one or more of the management
issues; and
- solicit ideas and feedback on potential hypotheses, process studies,
and approaches for addressing one or more of the listed management

Workshop participants will form breakout groups facilitated by group
leaders to discuss topical issues within the scope of a GOA IERP,
including periodic regime shifts, marine mammals, herring, endangered
species, carrying capacity, crabs, climate change, and species response
to conservation strategies. Following the breakout sessions, group
leaders will summarize the discussions and report to all workshop

Individuals interested in participating are requested to register for
the workshop online ( and indicate
which breakout group they plan to attend.

For further information, please contact:
Carl Schoch, North Pacific Research Board
E-mail: cschoch [at]