
New Publication Available
"Coastal Erosion Responses for Alaska: Workshop Proceedings"
Alaska Sea Grant
Editor: Orson P. Smith
Price: $10 USD

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or contact:
Doug Schneider, Information Officer
Alaska Sea Grant
E-mail: fndgs [at]
Phone: 907-474-7449

Alaska Sea Grant announces publication of "Coastal Erosion Responses for
Alaska: Workshop Proceedings" edited by Orson P. Smith.

In January 2006, Alaska Sea Grant sponsored a workshop where coastal
engineers, community leaders, scientists, and others discussed
strategies and techniques applicable in Alaska for dealing with coastal
erosion. This publication is a product of the workshop and contains ten
articles by coastal engineering experts that address coastal processes
and trends that drive shoreline retreat and coastal erosion. Topics
include non-structural coastal zone management, constructed responses
that have proved successful, and limitations of constructed works.
Information from these articles will prove useful to coastal managers,
civil engineers, state and federal emergency planners, concerned
residents, and community leaders facing problems with coastal erosion in

The Alaska Sea Grant is a program of the University of Alaska Fairbanks
and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that funds marine
research, provides education and extension services, and distributes
information about Alaska's seas and coasts.

For further information and to order the publication, please go to: