
New Solicitations Released
National Science Foundation

For more information on the Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions
Solicitation (NSF 07-532), please go to:

Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions Solicitation Deadline:
Friday, 9 March 2007

For more information on the Bering Ecosystem Study Solicitation (NSF
07-533), please go to:

Bering Ecosystem Study Solicitation Deadline: Thursday, 15 March 2007

The National Science Foundation recently released two new solicitations:

Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (NSF 07-532)

This solicitation is for proposals to conduct research aimed at
understanding how the Arctic Ocean margins (from the shore to the basin)
function within the arctic system as a whole. Priority will be placed on
research efforts that focus on data integration, synthesis, and modeling
activities that lead to new system-level understanding, rather than
projects that generate new data from field studies. This solicitation is
intended to support the final phase (Phase III) of the Shelf-Basin
Interactions (SBI) project, which has accumulated nearly ten years of
field investigation data and analyses. SBI science planning and
implementation documents and additional information are available
through the SBI webpage at:

Bering Ecosystem Study (NSF 07-533)

This solicitation seeks proposals focused on the ecosystem of the
eastern continental shelf of the Bering Sea and designed to develop
understanding of the effects of a varying sea-ice cover on the shelf
ecosystem, to project the potential changes in response to anticipated
climate variations on decadal time scales, and to assess the
vulnerability and sustainability of the local communities to such
changes. Particular emphasis should be placed on development of
proposals that clearly and significantly contribute to an ecosystem
level understanding of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf. This solicitation
draws upon the community planning embodied in the Bering Ecosystem Study
Science Plan
Sustaining the Bering Ecosystem: A Social Sciences Plan
and the Implementation Plan for the Bering Ecosystem Study (BEST)
however, it should not be considered the full implementation of or
confined only to activities described in any of these plans.

NSF will coordinate this solicitation, and the resulting science, with
the North Pacific Research Board's (NPRB) Bering Sea Integrated
Ecosystem Research Program (
The synergies developed through this partnership will allow support for
a comprehensive vertically-integrated investigation of the ecosystem of
the eastern continental shelf of the Bering Sea. Proposals funded by
each organization will be expected to mesh smoothly to produce a
seamless, coordinated research program.