
Meeting Announcement
Alaska Forum on the Environment
12-16 February 2007
Anchorage, Alaska

Early Registration Deadline: Friday, 12 January 2007

For further information, please go to:

The Alaska Forum on the Environment (AFE) will be held in Anchorage,
Alaska, on 12-16 February 2007.

AFE is an annual event that brings together scientists, tribal leaders,
government representatives, community members, Native and environmental
organizations, industry, and other sectors to focus on important and
timely environmental issues. Topics for discussion at AFE include solid
waste, drinking water, oil and gas, alternative energy, environmental
justice, contaminants, subsistence/traditional food, and rural

This year's AFE will include a focus on climate change in the North. The
forum's three-day Climate Change Track will feature keynote lectures,
panel discussions, and workshops on climate change as it relates to
polar bears, ocean acidification, permafrost thaw and carbon release,
aviation impacts, techniques to reduce emissions, impacts to subsistence
resources, and the intersection of science, economics, and policy.

Early registration is open until Friday, 12 January 2007. Registration
forms are available and may be submitted via the conference website, or
printed and submitted via mail or fax to:
Alaska Forum on the Environment
c/o The Coordinators, Inc.
329 F Street, Suite 208
Anchorage, AK 99501
Fax: 907-646-9001

For further information on AFE, to register, or to view a draft
agenda for the meeting, please go to: