
Human and Social Dynamics Competition
National Science Foundation

For further information about this competition, please go to:

For further information about the Human and Social Dynamics priority
area, please go to:

The Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) priority area fosters breakthroughs
in understanding the dynamics of human action and development, as well
as knowledge about organizational, cultural, and societal adaptation and
change. HSD aims to increase our collective ability to (1) understand
the complexities of change; (2) understand the dynamics of human and
social behavior at all levels, including that of the human mind; (3)
understand the cognitive and social structures that create, define, and
result from change; and (4) manage profound or rapid change and make
decisions in the face of changing risks and uncertainty. Accomplishing
these goals requires multidisciplinary research teams and comprehensive,
interdisciplinary approaches across the sciences, engineering,
education, and humanities, as appropriate.

The FY 2007 competition will include three emphasis areas (Agents of
Change; Dynamics of Human Behavior; and Decision Making, Risk and
Uncertainty). Support will be provided for full research projects and
for shorter-term exploratory research and HSD research community
development projects.

NSF encourages HSD projects that provide insight into social processes
such as globalization and migration and factors that promote innovation,
at levels from the molecular functioning of the human brain to the
organizational. Such research is important for enhancing the ability of
the country to maintain its competitive edge in a globalized world.

Exploratory Research and HSD Research Community Development Proposals
($125,000 limit)
Full Proposal Deadline: Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Type 2 Full Research Proposals ($1,250,000 limit)
Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Type 1 Full Research Proposals ($750,000 limit)
Full Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, 21 February 2007

For further information about this competition, please go to:

For further information about the Human and Social Dynamics priority
area, please go to:

or contact:
Rita Teutonico
Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
E-mail: rteutoni [at]

or contact:
Mark Weiss
Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
E-mail: mweiss [at]