
Request for Comments on Draft Report
Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS)

Comment Submission Deadline: Monday, 15 January 2007

For further information and to access the draft report, please go to:

or contact:
Jeff Key
Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin Madison
E-mail: jkey [at]

The Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS), a partnership of 14
international organizations concerned with the observational component
of global environmental issues from both a research and long-term
operational program perspective, invites comment on its Cryosphere Theme
draft report.

The IGOS Cryosphere Theme is a combined initiative of the World Climate
Research Programme, Climate and Cryosphere Project, and Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research. The intent is to increase support for,
and improve coordination of, cryospheric observations conducted by
research, long-term scientific monitoring, and operational programs and
to enhance data and information systems for the cryosphere.

The draft report is a product of Cryosphere Theme workshops convened
internationally to examine observational capabilities and requirements
and develop recommendations that will improve IGOS ability to monitor
the cryosphere, assess its impact on climate and society, and foster the
exchange of cryospheric information. Authored by IGOS, workshop
attendees, and other interested scientists, the draft report describes
and addresses shortcomings of the current observational systems for all
elements of the cryosphere, presents a comprehensive list of
recommendations and implementation actions for improving the global
cryospheric observing system, and outlines linkages with other programs
that are integral parts of the implementation process.

Comments on the draft report can be submitted via the IGOS Cryosphere
Theme forum ( or by e-mail
(jkey [at]