
Ph.D. Opportunity
Middle Holocene Hunter-gatherers of Cis-Baikal, Siberia
Departments of Biological Sciences and Anthropology
University of Alberta

Application Deadline: The position is open until filled. Ideally, the
successful candidate would begin in spring 2007.

For further information, please see:

The Departments of Biological Sciences and Anthropology at the
University of Alberta invite applications for a four-year Ph.D. program,
beginning Spring 2007, as part of the interdisciplinary project, Middle
Holocene Hunter-gatherers of Cis-Baikal, Siberia, within the Baikal
Archaeology Project. The Ph.D. student will work as a member of the
Baikal Archaeology Project team and focus on an examination of
prehistoric hunter-gatherer behavior from the ecological perspective.
The Baikal Archaeology Project has accumulated a large database of
archaeological, geochemical, and ostoelogical indicators of
hunter-gatherer behavior in middle Holocene Cis-Baikal and participating
researchers have conducted extensive paleoenvironmental fieldwork in the

Prospective candidates should have completed a degree in biological
sciences or anthropology, ideally with course work or experience in both
disciplines. He/she should be able to demonstrate a solid working
knowledge of the Holocene environmental history of the northern
hemisphere (Eurasia), adequate background in hunter-gatherer
archaeology, evolutionary ecology, and an understanding of quantitative
analysis methods (including statistical and GIS approaches). The
candidate should be prepared to travel to the Baikal region, and a
functional knowledge of the Russian language would be an asset (but not
a requirement).

Applications may be written in English and should include a full CV and
verified copies of relevant degree, employment, and language proficiency
certificates. It should also include a 1-2 page review explaining the
interest that the candidate has in this topic and the skills and
experience that he/she will bring to the research group. In addition,
please provide the name and telephone number of two people who may, if
necessary, be contacted to provide a reference.

Applications should be sent to:
Dr. David Hik
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6G 2E9

E-mail: dhik [at]

Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis until a suitable
candidate is identified.

Funding for this program, including a full research assistantship,
fieldwork travel, supplies etc., will be provided by the Baikal
Archaeology Project.

For further information, please go to: