
Arctic Community Meeting Space Available
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting
10-15 December 2006
San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Laurie Hueffer, ARCUS
E-mail: laurie [at]

Meeting space for groups working on arctic research science planning
activities will be available for use by appointment during the Fall
Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). This space is provided
by the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) to encourage
scientific collaboration and to make face-to-face meetings of
opportunity possible. Providing meeting space such as this is one aspect
of the services ARCUS offers to the arctic research community to advance
arctic research. Scheduling priority will be given to groups related to
NSF-funded programs.

The meeting room is located at the San Francisco Marriott, which is a
long block away from the AGU sessions at the Moscone Center West. View
an online map at:

The room will be set up conference style for 32 people and will have an
LCD projector, overhead projector, screen, and flip chart available. The
room will also have a speaker phone, printer, and a high speed Internet

For more information and a schedule of the meetings arranged to-date, go

To request meeting space or for more information, contact:
Laurie Hueffer, ARCUS
E-mail: laurie [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600