
Meeting Announcement
Scientific Ice Expeditions (SCICEX) Spring 2007 Field Program
Sunday, 10 December 2006
San Francisco, California

For further information, please contact:
Jennifer Hutchings
International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: jenny [at]

or contact:
Cathy Geiger
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
E-mail: Cathleen.A.Geiger [at]

A logistics and coordination meeting for the Scientific Ice Expeditions
(SCICEX) Spring 2007 field program will be held in San Francisco,
California, on Sunday, 10 December 2006, in advance of the American
Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.

With funding from NSF and the Office of Naval Research, the 2007 SCICEX
field program will occur in the Beaufort Sea in March-April and will
allow scientists to utilize a US Navy ice camp for research and field

The meeting will consist of presentations by scientists participating in
the SCICEX field program and discussions on logistics coordination,
scheduling, and the operational needs of each participating group.
SCICEX participants, interested scientists, and program managers
involved with projects using the ice camp are invited to attend.

Individuals interested in attending the meeting can register at: