
Funding Opportunity
Shared Beringian Heritage Program
National Park Service

Application Deadline: Friday, 10 November 2006

For further information, please contact:
Peter Richter, Beringia Program Manager
E-mail: Peter_Richter [at]
Phone: 907-644-3601

The National Park Service is seeking applications for projects conducted
under the Shared Beringian Heritage Program. This international program
unites American and Russian Natives, scientists, land managers,
conservationists, and other interested parties in promoting the
protection, understanding, and enjoyment of the common heritage of the
Beringia region of northwestern Alaska and eastern Chukotka.

Projects funded under this program may be either scientific research
projects or local, community-based educational, cultural, or
conservation projects that fulfill some or all of the goals of the
Beringia program.

The application deadline has been extended to Friday, 10 November 2006.
Selection results will be announced in January 2007.

Further information, including proposal guidelines, is available online