
Graduate Fellowships Available
Past Climate Variability Project
Oregon State University and University of Oregon

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Nick Pisias
College of Oceanic Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
E-mail: pisias [at]

Oregon State University and the University of Oregon announce the
availability of graduate fellowships in the Past Climate Variability
(PALEOVAR) project.

Funded by the NSF Paleoclimate Program, PALEOVAR focuses on climate
variability, the mechanisms that cause it, and how short-term
variability compares with the climatic mean state over the last 50,000
years. Researchers use data from marine sediments, cave deposits, and
ice cores to develop new climate models and statistical tools suitable
for the study of paleoclimate time series.

The available fellowships in PALEOVAR are in the following areas:
- bi-polar chronology of ice core records including the WAIS Divide
(Antarctica) ice core;
- development of replicate isotope records from speleothems from
Vancouver Island and California; and
- adoption of non-stationary and non-linear time series methods for the
analysis of paleoclimate data sets.

Graduate students interested in applying for a fellowship in PALEOVAR
must enroll at Oregon State University or University of Oregon through
the standard application process. Prospective applicants are strongly
encouraged to contact Nick Pisias (see below) in advance of submitting
an application.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Nick Pisias
College of Oceanic Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
E-mail: pisias [at]