
Database Available Online
Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS)
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

The database is available at:

The Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) database
now contains 60,000 records describing publications and research
projects about northern Canada.

ASTIS includes all subjects and covers the Yukon, the Northwest
Territories, Nunavut, the northern parts of seven provinces and Canada's
arctic waters. The publications cited in the database include grey and
peer-reviewed literature from 1978 to the present. The 14,000 research
project descriptions in ASTIS cover the period from 1974 to the present
and are based on information supplied by the organizations that license
all field research in the territories.

In order to focus resources on some important aspects of northern
Canada, eleven subsets of the ASTIS database are available as separate
databases from their own websites. Please see the list at:…

There are now 4,800 ASTIS records that link to full-text PDF files of
publications, including 500 records with links to papers from AINA's
journal Arctic, 2,850 records with DOI links to other journal papers and
1,450 records with URL links to grey literature.

For further information or to make suggestions, please contact:
Ross Goodwin
Arctic Science and Technology Information System
Arctic Institute of North America
E-mail: astis [at]
Phone: 403-220-4036