
Call for Abstracts
41st Annual Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference (ASMC)
"GIS Jam" (Sessions on GIS and Spatial Data Infrastructure, Tools,
Research, and Techniques)
19-23 March 2007
Fairbanks, Alaska

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 27 October 2006

For further information, please contact:
Andrew Balser
E-mail: fnawb [at]

This is a call for abstracts for presentations at the GIS Jam Sessions
of the 41st Annual Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference (ASMC), which
will be held 19-23 March 2007 in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Abstracts covering topics related to GIS (software, tools, applications,
techniques), spatial data and spatial data infrastructure, spatial
analyses, solutions to common problems (e.g., DATUM conversion, data
precision), and GIS integration with remotely sensed and GPS data are
welcomed and encouraged. There will be up to 56 slots within 4 sessions
depending on the number and nature of abstract submissions.
Presentations should be 20-25 minutes in length.

The 41st Annual Surveying and Mapping Conference will feature a
different venue and a slightly different focus from past conferences
held in Anchorage. The ASMC will be directly tied to International Polar
Year (IPY) kick-off activities and will feature arctic and sub-arctic
research applications, data, initiatives, and facilities in Fairbanks.

To allow enough time to organize all submissions into sessions, please
submit your information by Friday, 27 October 2006. Late submissions may
be considered, but the limited number of time slots are expected to fill

To submit an abstract, please provide the following information by
e-mail to Andrew Balser (fnawb [at]
- Title
- List of authors
- Presenter name, affiliation, phone, fax, and e-mail
- Brief presenter bio (20-40 words)
- Brief abstract (approximately 50 words)

Additional graphics (figures, maps, photos) illustrating the
presentation are welcome but not required.

You can register for the conference online after Friday, 1 December 2006

Feel free to also e-mail prior to submitting an abstract if you have
questions about these sessions:
Andrew Balser
E-mail: fnawb [at]