
Ph.D. Student Position Available
"Home, Hearth, and Household in the Circumpolar North"
Centre for Sami Studies
University of Tromso

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 15 November 2006

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Else Grete Broderstad
E-mail: else.g.broderstad [at]

A doctoral position is available as part of the "Home, Hearth, and
Household in the Circumpolar North" project at the Centre for Sami
Studies at the University of Tromso. This three-year position is funded
by the Norwegian Research Council under the auspices of the European
Science Foundation (ESF) BOREAS research programme.

The successful candidate will be expected to carry out primary research
leading to a doctoral dissertation related to the focus of the full
programme, which compares the vernacular architecture, use of space, and
social dynamics of indigenous households in Sapmi (Northern Scandinavia
and Northwest Russia). This is an interdisciplinary project that
combines anthropology, archeology, and historical demography. The
candidate will write his or her dissertation in one of these three
disciplines and will be expected to engage with researchers in the other
areas and collaborate with an international group of scholars. This
position also offers resources for field research and the opportunity to
travel to international seminars organized by the ESF.

Interested candidates should submit an application that emphasizes both
primary research in a region of Sapmi and one of the three research
trajectories. The application should include a CV, five copies of a
bibliography of his/her published papers, and a five-page proposal that
summarizes how their dissertation would further the goals of this
project. Candidates may also include three copies of published or
unpublished papers they would like the hiring committee to consider. The
candidate should already hold a Master's degree or equivalent and have a
working knowledge of English and a language appropriate to conducting
fieldwork with a community in Sapmi (Saami, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish,

Applications should be sent to:
Else Grete Broderstad
Centre for Sami Studies
University of Tromso
N-9037 Tromso

Candidates must also submit an electronic application form available at:

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Else Grete Broderstad
E-mail: else.g.broderstad [at]