
Call for Papers
Sessions on Cryospheric Studies
Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
San Francisco, California
17-21 April 2007

Deadline: Friday, 20 October 2006

For further information, please go to:

This is a call for papers to be presented at organized sessions on
Cryospheric Studies at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers (AAG), 17-21 April 2007, in San Francisco, California.

Papers covering any research area related to the cryosphere, including
physical and social sciences, education, and outreach are welcomed and
encouraged. The number of sessions will depend on the number of abstract
submissions. Last year there were five cryospheric sessions and four
more sessions co-sponsored with other specialty groups. As the 2007
Annual Meeting will be near the start of the 2007-2009 International
Polar Year, organizers hope for a strong showing of cryospheric papers.

To allow enough time to organize all submissions into sessions, please
submit your information by Friday, 20 October 2006, the Friday before
the official AAG deadline (26 October). Please adhere to this deadline
to ensure organizers can accommodate your abstract in one of the
cryospheric sessions. To participate, please:

  1. Register for the annual meeting and submit your abstract online
    ( You will be
    given a Presenter Identification Number (PIN), which is the same as your
    AAG ID number.

  2. By Friday, 20 October 2006, e-mail the session organizer at
    oliverf [at] and provide your title, abstract, list of authors
    (specify who will be presenting), type of presentation (e.g., oral,
    poster, illustrated paper, etc.), and your PIN.

Feel free to also e-mail prior to abstract submission if you have
questions about these sessions:
Oliver W. Frauenfeld
CIRES/National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado at Boulder
E-mail: oliverf [at]