
Request for Participation
International Polar Year Youth Steering Committee Working Groups

For further information, please go to:

In order to secure youth involvement in all aspects of the International
Polar Year (IPY), the Youth Steering Committee (YSC) was formed by the
IPY International Program Office to network young polar researchers from
all backgrounds, enable collaboration, and involve this group in
outreach focused towards other young people.

The YSC has formed a series of working groups to further develop their
large set of programs. You are invited to become involved in the
following activities and help guide the direction of the activities
targeting youth and young researchers.

IPY Early Career Working Group
This group will work to help early career scientists and researchers
(undergraduates through assistant professors) network and share
opportunities for getting involved with polar research. For further
information or to get involved, please contact Jenny Baeseman
(jbaesema [at] A Google Groups account has been established to
facilitate discussion on this topic. Please go to to learn

Polar Contests Working Group
This group will organize contests that will network young polar
researchers around the world and involve them in educational outreach to
other young people. The contests will also provide an opportunity for
youth to learn about the polar regions and express what they have
learned creatively. For further information or to get involved, please
contact Melianie Raymond (melianieraymond [at]

Website Working Group
This group will work to make the YSC website as exciting and interactive
as possible so that youth and young researchers from around the world
are able to connect. For further information or to get involved with
this working group please contact Melianie Raymond
(melianieraymond [at] A Google Groups account has also been
established to facilitate discussion on this topic. Please go to to learn more.

International Youth Conference on the Poles Working Group
This group is organizing the International Youth Conference on the
Poles, which will take place in 2008 and bring youth from around the
world together to present their research, talk about issues affecting
the polar regions, and learn more. To get involved, please e-mail:
info [at]

Students on Ice Working Group
This group will provide the opportunity for youth from around the world
to visit the polar regions. To get involved, please e-mail:
info [at]

International Geophysical Year Working Group
This group will work to bring youth together with polar researchers who
participated in the International Geophysical Year. To get involved,
please e-mail: info [at]

Legacy Working Group
This group will provide the opportunity for youth from around the world
to share their thoughts on what they would like IPY to accomplish. To
get involved, please e-mail: info [at]

For further information on these working groups or to become involved,
please e-mail:
info [at]

or go to: