
Comments Requested
Congressional Testimony - International Polar Year
Subcommittee on Research
US House of Representatives Committee on Science

To comment, please e-mail:
Mark McCaffrey
E-mail: mark.mccaffrey [at]

Dear Colleague,

The House Science Committee's Research Subcommittee will be holding a
hearing about IPY on Wednesday, 20 September 2006. I've been asked to
address IPY education, outreach, and communication issues:
- What has been the impact of polar research and IPYs on students and
the public in the past?
- What education and outreach activities are planned for this IPY?
- What are the goals and expected societal benefits of these activities?

While time is tight, if you have any thoughts or comments on how I might
best address these questions, please let me know as soon as possible,
ideally via e-mail (mark.mccaffrey [at]

Others on the panel include Arden Bement, NSF Director; Robin Bell, who
is on both the US and International IPY Committees; Kelly Falkner,
Oregon State University; and Donal Manahan, University of Southern

Mark McCaffrey
E-mail: mark.mccaffrey [at]