
Call for Abstracts
Session C 05: Permafrost, Snow, and Ice Hydrology at High Latitudes
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2006 Fall Meeting
11-15 December 2006
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline:
Thursday, 7 September 2006 (online)

For further information, please go to:…

You are invited to submit an abstract to participate in the following
special session at this year's American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2006
Fall Meeting:

C 05: Permafrost, Snow, and Ice Hydrology at High Latitudes

Session Description:
High latitude hydrology is going through a period of transition:
permafrost is warming and thawing, runoff and precipitation appear to be
changing, spatial coverage of seasonal snow is shrinking, sea ice is
both thinning and extent dwindling, and vegetation is changing. The
hydrologic cycle is an integral component of the climate system, both
moderating and driving changes in meteorology, coastal processes, and
terrestrial and aquatic ecology (freshwater and marine). High latitude
regions also represent the cooling one-half of Earth's climatic engine.
This session is soliciting hydrologic contributions (observations,
modeling, and remote sensing) where a cryospheric component (snow, ice,
glaciers, permafrost, seasonal frost, etc.) influences the hydrologic

Douglas Lee Kane
University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: ffdlk [at]

Daqing Yang
University of Alaska Fairbanks
E-mail: ffdy [at]