
September Issue of the Journal "ARCTIC"
Volume 59, Number 3
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

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The following papers appear in the September 2006 issue of ARCTIC,
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America:

"Polar Bear Predatory Behaviour toward Molting Barnacle Geese and
Nesting Glaucous Gulls on Spitsbergen"
By: Lech Stempniewicz

"Using Videography to Quantify Landscape-Level Availability of Habitat
for Grazers: An Example with Emperor Geese in Western Alaska"
By: Bryce C. Lake, Mark S. Lindberg, Joel A. Schmutz, R. Michael
Anthony, and Fred J. Broerman

"Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar
Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic"
By: Ian Stirling and Claire L. Parkinson

"The Spiders of East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada"
By: J. R. Pickavance

"Assessment of Three Mapping Techniques to Delineate Lakes and Ponds in
a Canadian High Arctic Wetland Complex"
By: Laura Brown and Kathy L. Young

"Investigating Local Definitions of Sustainability in the Arctic:
Insights from Post-Soviet Sakha Villages"
By: Susan A. Crate

"An Arctic-Breeding Bird Survey on the Northwestern Ungava Peninsula,
Quebec, Canada"
By: Brad A. Andres

"Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) Breeding in Penny Strait, Nunavut,
By: Mark L. Mallory, H. Grant Gilchrist, and Carolyn L. Mallory

"Wolf (Canis lupus) Predation of a Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Cub on
the Sea Ice off Northwestern Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada"
By: E. S. Richardson and D. Andriashek

The issue also contains seven book reviews, two letters to the editor,
an obituary of Commander Angus Bruce Erskine, RN 1928-2006, by Robert
Burton, and a commentary by Henry P. Huntington, titled "Who Are the
"Authors" When Traditional Knowledge is Documented?" The September 2006
InfoNorth essay presents an update on the social/human science projects
planned for the International Polar Year 2007-2008, written by Grete K.
Hovelsrud and Igor Krupnik.