
New Website Available
Arctic Ship Coordination during the International Polar Year (IPY)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

The website is available at:

Arctic Ship Coordination during IPY (ASCI) is an initiative to
facilitate optimal use of ships and other platforms such as ice-stations
and aircraft to meet the scientific goals of Arctic Ocean studies during
IPY. For more information, please see the ASCI website:

The purpose of this website is to:
- provide a forum to inform others about arctic IPY cruises and the
state of planning;
- provide information about possibilities for groups or individuals to
join in planned activities;
- present a website that provides detailed information on funded and
planned cruises; and
- inform about meetings for coordination.

More information and the application form to submit planned programmes
are available online at Please submit
information on planned IPY cruise activities even if the funding status
is pending.

For further information, please contact:
Martina Kunz-Pirrung, Alfred Wegener Institute
Email: mpirrung [at]