
Call for Abstracts
Session OS 21 "Tectonic and Paleoclimatic History of the Arctic Ocean Basin:
Results from HOTRAX and Other Arctic Ocean Research Programs"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2006 Fall Meeting
11-15 December 2006
San Francisco, California

For further information, please go to:

You are invited to submit an abstract to the following special session
at the Fall AGU meeting, which will be held on 11-15 December 2006 in
San Francisco, California:

Session OS 21 "Tectonic and Paleoclimatic History of the Arctic Ocean
Basin: Results from HOTRAX and Other Arctic Ocean Research Programs"

The history of the Arctic Ocean is the missing piece for many models,
tectonic and paleo-climatic, of earth history. Recent cruises to the
central Arctic Ocean on board the US Coast Guard icebreaker Healy have
collected multi-channel seismic reflection, refraction, gravity, and
bathymetry data and cores, to build a continuous transect across the
Arctic Ocean. These data expose the internal structure of the ridges,
plateau, and basins that segment this region and provide critical
constraints on paleo-climate and the history of sea ice. This session
will highlight the results of the two HOTRAX cruises conducted on board
the USCG Healy during the summer of 2005, but submissions are welcomed
from other scientists studying the paleo-climate and tectonics of the
Arctic Ocean basin.

Abstracts submitted via the online submission form
( MUST be received by Thursday, 7
September 2006 at 2359 UT (Universal Time). Late submissions will not be
accepted by AGU.

If you have questions about this session, feel free to contact one of
the co-convenors:

Bernard Coakley
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska
E-mail: bernard.coakley [at]

Dennis Darby
Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University
E-mail: ddarby [at]

John Hopper
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University
E-mail: hopper [at]

Martin Jakobsson
Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University
E-mail: martin.jakobsson [at]

Yngve Kristoffersen
Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
E-mail: yngve.kristoffersen [at]

Leonid Polyak
Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University
E-mail: polyak.1 [at]